domingo, febrero 02, 2014

K.W. Jeter, me and the multicultural steampunk

A few days before the World Fantasy Convention started last year in Brighton (in U.K.) the people of the bookshop Forbidden Planet in London had the brilliant idea of ​​bringing together the original creators of the Steampunk genre: K. W. Jeter, James P. Blaylock and Tim Power.
I was lucky enough to be there, before and after the signing, sharing an ale in a traditional British pub with these notable writers. They are amazing, friendly, and K.W and his wife Geri are lovely people; always willing to answer questions from fans and even meet the strangest requests (a guy came with a big suitcase of old books for him to autograph).
After the fans and the journalists were gone, between drinking beers, we broke the ice and started to talk about how the Steampunk literature is gradually taking a place in Sci-Fi. Not as the little brother, but treated as an equal, winning readers every day, creating challenges in a multicultural and multiverse society, over the Victorian aesthetic.
For K.W. it's definitely the immediate future, not only because it is not an exclusively Anglo-Saxon literature anymore, but by the very nature of the world - we live in a global society, where everything is connected. Social Networks are everywhere, instant messaging services, mobile communications and live chats are breaking borders, the only limits now are for political reasons. He has a much better insight than you might think, perhaps because of the fact that he has been living in Ecuador for a while and from South America everything has a different perspective, or maybe, as he said, because he has lived American history from the time of the Eisenhower administration to Obama and has seen the world changing in front of his eyes and nothing is what it used to be.
I agree completely with him regarding the world and how it is increasingly interconnected and multicultural Steampunk is the next natural stage of the subgenre - and this extends not only to literature but also to fashion, art, and music. The Steampunk of the future will be something heterogeneous, that mixes influences and aspects of countries and languages, with fewer rules and more imagination, and will link communities around the world making it part of the universal culture of humanity. You already can see groups from France to India, sharing the most amazing diversity, adapting Steampunk to the local history, perspective and creating events and conventions.
Finally, take me as a life sample of multicultural Steampunk: I was born in Caracas, Venezuela. My parents were Spaniards but my aunt and uncle were Americans because my grandparents had immigrated to New York in the 20s. I come from a rather diverse family. I'm married to a Mexican woman. I have been living in London for seven years. I write only in Spanish. With this background, how do you think my Steampunk literature style could be?

Spain, Dlorean Ediciones 2013 

El Dirigible (The Airship) by Joseph Remesar 

London, 1876. It's winter in the capital of the British Empire. James Usera-Blackpool is a Scotland Yard Inspector with few ambitions, mostly due to his lack of partisan activity. However, it will all change in his next case: the murder of an unknown American citizen at a party in the Spanish Embassy. A steampunk novel that combines police thriller with the classic Science Fiction tradition of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. -  

See more at: European Bookshop 


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